I could go on for days about everything I have learned about canning, both water bath and pressure canning. The truth is, there are a ton of fantastic resources out there who can say it better than I can.  First, your safety is very important. Not just safely using the equipment, but possibly even more important for the health of your family, food safety. Please read the information on canning at the National Center for Home Food Preservation.

The Virginia Cooperative extension office has put together a great tutorial and informative packet on both types of canning. The printable PDF files are great to have on hand, so feel free to print them out and keep with your cookbooks. Water bath canning PDF file. Pressure canning PDF File.

The National Center for Home Food Preservation also has reliable information on water bath canning and Pressure canning.

I would love to be able to tell you everything there is to know about canning, but these guys do a way better job than I could. Once you get through the first batch or two and are feeling quite self satisfied – and tired – you will realize that canning your foods at home is really quite simple and way more rewarding than a pantry stocked with reusable jars of homegrown goodness rather than tin cans.


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